hehe Bot, I do miss AO... sometimes, especially you Cerb guys
and I wish the opposite, that you'd all down tools in AO and come join us over on Shadowsong
But, there just isn't anything to really draw me back to it at the mo, I much prefer not having to compete for a spawn for loot, having nice instances to yourself to play in is imho far superior to camping a mob for hours on end only to have it taken from you by some arse who can OD u
Then there is the fairly balanced PvP that you get rewarded for ... I just cannot compare AO n WoW on that score, I loathed PvP in AO.. I actually have found some enjoyment in it in WoW... excepting the fact that the sides are not very balanced on our server, so finding enough horde to battle can be a long wait
Still, Lost Eden might be interesting, although the signs n things I've read don't quite do it for me...
Anyway, I still troll these forums, reading up on all yer current exploits and to me it sounds like Cerbs is still going strong if not getting stronger