Kyr'Ozch Bio-Material Type 112 - Low level

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Kyr'Ozch Bio-Material Type 112 - Low level

Postby iNstabil » Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:52 am

Anyone sitting on a clump of 112?

Just got myself this K'yr sword and was hoping to upgrade it. Not sure what ql I am looking for in the 112 material... but I dont want to boost the reqs sky high as I like to be able to wield it aswell.

Current stats:
LvL 128 Keeper

2hE 863 (Buffed, but not twinked)

Anyone can spare a clump?
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Postby Syriii » Fri Oct 07, 2005 4:19 am

Better off using PP/FBR or similar tbh, AI swords don't shine until at least 215+, I've found that it's just not worth it.

I used a Type 880 for a time due to the extreme cost of Type 112, it worked alright, but nowhere near as good as PP or FBR, even if FBR is only good on 75% or 100% agg.
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Postby iNstabil » Fri Oct 07, 2005 4:40 am

PP? FBR? I know I know what they are, Jackjonez told me at some point...just can't remember right now :) Talking to him is like rolling missions when it comes to weapons hehe... to much shiny stuff out there for a low lvl n00b like myself.
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Postby Syriii » Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:50 am

PP = Pained Panther (from Crypt of Home)

FBR = Frost Bound Reaper (from Inner Sanctum)
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Postby Ukulele » Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:08 am

Pained Panther (and some other nice weapons) drop in CoH from 3 shadows that are scattered there. They each have 1 hour spawn time and usually quite a bad drop rate on those weapons. They can't be targeted before they become hostile so you need a pet hunt or use AoE attack near it for it to aggro you. You usually also need a friend to help you get inside. I remember spending couple of weeks there when Zuntsu and Shinali needed some new shining weapons :)

Guide to CoH here.

You can propably get a team to inner sanctum quite easily to get you that Frostbound Reaper. I know we've done a few raids to get new weapons for people there.
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Postby iNstabil » Sat Oct 08, 2005 1:18 am

Pained Pather = Enforcer or MP :( :(

Looks like FBR for me :P Thx for the help!
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Postby Syriii » Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:38 am

Oh yea, you're a Keeper. Doh!

*slaps self*

FBR best choice then, easy to get, free and will last you a long time. Also pretty easy to get on, just no specials.

You COULD try for an Abyssal Desecrator / Permafrost but I wouldn't recommend it, the droprate is bad from what I can tell and Hezak (the big bad boss of IS) is monstrously difficult without decent healer/tank/MP.
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Postby buzzed » Sat Oct 08, 2005 6:45 pm

i am using fbr atm inst and i can tell u for sure that it hits hard. my 2he w/ just buffs and not totally twinked is 900ish and i am hitting for 1500 + every swing, depending on dmg mods:) just make sure when u get it on that u max out meele init so u awing as fast as it will go:)
That is just my 2 creds. :)
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