thanks TR and all

Place to hang out and talk about anything.

thanks TR and all

Postby DoctorLeo » Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:40 pm

I can't believe it... or maybe I do. TR spent soooo long helping me get all my new stuff on... some was hard and took time, but he never left or got bored. Now I look nice... well I always did... and feel nice.. .always did with Cerb... but CAN do better and that is thanks to TR... Proc thanks you helped too. and when I get bored just run to YOUR TREE.. nice place.. Just got done having fun with Kid in Ireland. Dont worry, that last piece will come... dont worry.. just ask and I will help again... Short.. nark.. all of your alts!! at least you are here late at night in US when all rest is asleep. So guess this is thanks to everone really. I LOVE all CERBS what a perfect org!!!!

even for a squishy.. pain-in-the-Ass Doc!!
Out on the Prairie hiding from Tornadoes. Don't need to meet Dorothy today and I dont trust the Wizard.
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Postby Horsey » Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:58 am

-"I LOVE all CERBS what a perfect org!!!!"

100% agreed! :D
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gotta Add Funkyy now

Postby DoctorLeo » Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:01 am

And Funkyy who spent long time yesterday helping me out with SL nano..
Out on the Prairie hiding from Tornadoes. Don't need to meet Dorothy today and I dont trust the Wizard.
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Postby Kid » Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:33 am

Running around doing stuff with guildmates always seems to be just more fun.

Had a great time last night even though those damn spirit bosses refused to drop any subdued Novi for me. Even when it was just myself and Doctorleo vs that huge train of spirits, we still kicked ass, despite the constant double DoT's on us.

Yay for Cerbs & yay for fun!
-The Doc that runs away lives to die another day.
-I am not prejudiced againts Omni's. I hate everyone equally.
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Postby furydemon » Fri Apr 14, 2006 1:51 am

I miss George - he was fun to play with froobs with in West Athens :cry:
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