New Patch!?!?!

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New Patch!?!?!

Postby Nanotpimp » Wed Jun 14, 2006 4:50 am

o_o Think we just got ninja patched, Didnt notice the post on the login screen before, i guess this must the the super secert patch where i log in and AO is now a 2D fighting game. >_> now that i think about it ... that would be kinda funny...

Adventurer VS Ryu from Street Fighters
Adventurer wins
Flawless victory!
Some say kiting is bad, i say its population control.

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Postby Jasper2002 » Wed Jun 14, 2006 5:16 am

Downtime FAQ - 14th June 2006
What is the downtime for?
The downtime today is for the 16.2.9 client update, the update contains the latest changes in the current story updates.

Version 16.2.9

- Omni-Tek forces in Borealis have been issued with orders not to fire first on any visitors to the city. (Read More)

- Unicorn Troops have moved to secure the large radar dish outside of Borealis. Clan players should note that these security details will still attack anyone who gets too close.

- The Unionists have expanded their presence in 4 Holes (Read More)
o A Unionist Foreman is now stationed in the area. This NPC periodically casts an exp bonus buff to clan players in his vicinity. Opposing forces can kill him to gain their own exp buff and force him to despawn for a period of time, denying their opponents access to the buff.
o Added some 100% ‘safe zone’ areas to 4 Holes
o Moved the Grid entry point in 4 Holes
o Made some visual improvements to the area

When is the downtime?
The downtime will start at 1300 CEST (find out when that is in your timezone here) and is scheduled to last approximately three hours
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Postby Smacdevil » Wed Jun 14, 2006 6:08 am

Sounds like fun changes (=content) :)
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