These are the nanos and other useful bits I've got from various dynas. Free to anyone who wants - just send a tell in game. I'll update this as I get new stuff or give stuff away. They are all crystals unless marked with ID which are instruction discs
200 Electrical Engineering Tutoring Device
200 Weapon Smithing Tutoring Device
200 Belt Component Platform 6K-X
200 Gunner's Cap
200 Red Bioplast Protective Helmet
200 Master G-Staff
129 Concrete Cushion
117 Kyr'Ozch Carbine
102 Concrete Cushion
100 Bag of Exhange
91 Supply Unit Helmet
182 Kin of Tarasque (as if anyone hasn't already found this themselves)
179 Frenzy of Fur * 2
179 ID Corrosive Cloud
169 ID Ballad of the Plains Wanderer
169 ID Division of the Winds
166 Greater Lick Wounds
165 ID Dance of the Dervish
162 ID Stare of Cerberus
159 Blur of Claws
152 ID Soleet Friend
152 Friend of the Wild
142 Ballad of the Pistolero
139 Gaze of the Hunter
126 Howl of the Wolf
103 Bite of the Wind
103 Vision of the Wolf
93 Fangs of the Snake
179 ID Form of the Executioner
169 Meld with Background
142 Absolute Concentration
132 Steps of the Executioner
126 Enhanced Sureshot
To Shinali
185 Sentient Nano Gorger
169 ID Deep Wound Cleanser
164 Vaccine of Plundering
159 ID Sentient Nano Gorger
152 Dr Hack'n'Quack
173 ID Wrecking Ball
129 Talon of the Roc * 2
197 ID Energised Casing of the Faithful Servant
189 Null Space Disruptor
189 Slayerdroid Sentinel
166 ID Intrusive Aura of Sloth
132 ID Challenger to Leviathan
118 Superior Polorized Screening
76 Electrical Engineering Knowledge
To Ball
199 Discipline of the Vindicator
166 Barrier of the Resolute
162 Enervate Bindings
146 Imminence of Warfare
Martial Arist
152 ID Presence of the Dominator
182 ID Burning Bones
198 Puncture of the Tarasque
180 Shuffle of the Rogue
154 Backpiercer
135 Scrounger
61 Primitive Dissipation
182 Traffic AC (Greater)
160 Bought Indulgence
136 ID Draw AC
118 ID Reroute Impediments