Armour, help me!!! Please!!!

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Armour, help me!!! Please!!!

Postby DoctorLeo » Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:49 am

Ok, need help. As Doc is a "cheap" guy to outfit compared to many of you, I have not had to worry about all the extremely expensive armour lots of you have to suffer. Now I have my Enfo going well, and enjoying playing him, I join you in the constant worry about Armour.

So advice time. Do I go with Tier for my Enfo? I do not look forward to Tier as I have looked at the extreme cost of obtaining it. Most of you know of my extreme hatred of spending hours getting loot to sell. Then the number of hours researching what each piece of loot is going for, then the actual selling in a shop.

What armour can an Enfo use effectively and still not BE a "gimp". I love playing my Enfo, but am afraid I will lose interest if most of my time playing him is solo for the goal of getting credits.

If I am to get tank armour I have to do it now. Is Foremans the only place to get it? Is there any other choices? What armour IS the best? What other armour can a Enfo wear and still be a good toon? Yes, I did read lots of forums about Tier, and sooo many said the advantages Vs cost makes Tier a poor choice. Yet others say... it cost so much because that is the way you HAVE to go to be effective at 200+ levels. If I do have to go the Tier route, ONE piece is more credits then I have ever had at one time. OK, enough!! You get the idea.
(On recent post has me worried about tank armour... e.g.

Leo... Looking out over the Prairie wondering how many steers he will have to sell to be an Uber Enfo. (sending this now.. hoping some of you will wonder over to our forums while the servers are down)
Out on the Prairie hiding from Tornadoes. Don't need to meet Dorothy today and I dont trust the Wizard.
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Postby Shinali » Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:06 am

Most enfs Ive seen nowadays seem to use Tier1 at the lvl you are. It really isnt that expensive. 7m for the basic jobe suit parts, the insiginias for it are free. The embryos, novictums, visions and pure liquid notum for T1 are all free and you can get em with your doc, wont take that long really. There is armor from RK also that you can use. For those and other SL armor options look in the enforcer prof forums. You should know that forum inside and out. You usually find the information you seek from that forum.

About the Assault-class tank armor youre after from Foremans. Its nice because of the 2k absorb it has. Besides that I dont think its that good really. Maybe get an infantry chest cover till you can get your hands on the Veil of the Revoked from CoH. Again you can get it easily with your doc. The parts you need are QL 100 Cloak of the Revoked and QL 100 Spirit Tec Circlet of Cerubin. Cloak drops from normal mobs near the entrance and also deeper in CoH. Circlet from main boss Cerubin. Also get parts for Necromancers cloak for your enf while youre in there. +nano skills hasnt hurt anyone. I think we have some <100 (110?) engis in org to warp you or if not you can buy a warp for like 300k.

Some other back armors to think about are Black clan tank armor, Albrecht heavy tank armor and Ancient container. Black and Albrecht (Albrecht also from sl mish bosses) are from RK and Ancient container from Adonis temple boss. For that get 6 adonis insignias from unredeemed side and go to temple with your doc.

Later on you will have to start thinking about T2, T3, Azure, Sentinels or Combined mercenary armors or sumtin else maybe. Some of these are very expensive and/or take a lot of time to get but you gotta accept that as thats how this game is. Also remember that the way you play your char is more important than uber gear. Some ppl may look you as noob or what ever if you dont have the latest phatz but luckily thats just the minority. When ppl see you know how to play your class well the gear is just a bonus.

But hey, what do I know about enfs really, just rambling here while waiting AO to download on my brothers puter :D
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Postby Psymonator » Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:10 am

Shinali is right :) , although i must sy T1 does get you from like level80 til atleast 160 by then you should probably start looking for T2, or if ur a twink whore like me, T3 :) thats when it starts gettin expensive :) but yeah T1 is a good option though :)
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