Where to go now???

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Where to go now???

Postby DoctorLeo » Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:13 pm

Ok, I know Doc does not need tons of DD... not a big reason to invite to a team... but now need some advice. I am using smg/sg. Not real great rigth now. Ofab adds to Pistol and shotgun (I redid my skills from pistol to smg... maybe bad advice). What is best now for high lvl Docs? Pistols or shotgun or is smg ok? I DO need some more DD. Solo things still hard. I can stand up to high lvl mobs.. for a while. But all goes to healing me. I stay alive as long as I have nano. But not enough time or nano to use DoTs to full potential. So, basically, I can fight anything and die when I run out of nano. My DD on smg never moves most mobs hp at all. I have heard shotgun best for PvP. Doc never does that except BS, so does shotgun make sense? Yes, I have read forums... with mixed results. Each type of weapon has advantages. But over all best for a Doc? Need some input before I spend days on resets. so vote...

1) Smg/sg has its advantages. They look good on a Cowboy and nevermind changing as a Doc should never do DD

2) Go back to pistols... whoever told you to change should be shot (with a smg so not much damage). And Cowboys look good with pistols.

3) Try shotgun.. Never mind you will have to spend millions of credits to even buy one (which means days of, omg I hate to say it..camping for credits)... And good for PvP even if most Inf mobs will laugh at you.

Ok help me. What do you all suggest. 1,2, or 3. (or water balloons? can get them easy!!)

Leo, the Kansas Cowboy.. out on the range trying to kill a mountain lion with his fork.
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Postby Psymonator » Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:19 pm

i say choose option 5) get urself a MBC - Masive Bolt Charger and go heavy weapons :), but looking at doc research line si would say pistol is safe possibly? :)
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Postby sensibob » Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:34 am

Since i started Sensi, i went thru many weapon choices, not always the wisest i must say (someone said eqb?) :roll:
weapon choice for doc always has been a pain.

my last choices has been alien pistol, dual gelids and now Mbc.
I was able to solo inferno dragons with gelids and still do with Mbc, farmed my merlin set alone.
Getting Mbc on and not oe can be a pain but now with research you can make it.
Mbc got burst and fling and short recharge on burst.
As doc, special are important because you can hit special while casting, and when soloing, you'll be casting a lot :)

We prolly the best soloers if not the fastest
Ubt (make sure it landed), dot A, burst, fling, one regular shot, dot B, heal, dot C, burst, fling, dot combo perk, few shots and special until dot goes off mob...rinse and repeat until mob is down.
use the casting time to recharge your pea shooter.

i solo self buffed beside ci, Lc and hot running, i barely ever use battleheals but when emergency.
Our SL heals are great and also heal perks (self and team)
Whenever the fight is long and i see my nano around 50% i use FA nano kits and nano regen perk, never goes out of nano since sl.
you still can get pnh from nt or nano cost from mp if you're often running out of nano.

Back to weapon choice, i'd say Mbc is prolly the best soloing option, with the only downside of no ofab HW available so far, so maybe some ip reset at some point.
Pistol would be the common option and i'm pretty sure gelids are still ok even if not in flavour nowadays. Gelids might be to low for you now tho. i don't know about new smg weapons.

Sensibob. 8)
Last edited by sensibob on Tue Feb 13, 2007 8:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Murderall » Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:44 am

ONe weapon I wanted to try on a toon was the upgraded sleek cannon, just buy a standard ql200 excellent sleek cannon and get the upgrade from apf. Same one as agent rifle upgrade if I remember correctly. You then get the new and improved Amplified Sleek Cannon

It has low requirements, with burst and fling and the bonus is that it shouldn't cost all that much. Just a little time in apf and a little time finding or buying the base weapon. I've heard from some crats that it kicks backside in PVM style situations......don't know about PVP though.
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