I thought we did need some fun on the forums. So why not start with posting fsome videos?
I will start with some funny and amazing one. But if there is any you want to show us then post
I will start: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGs0CxxYPIo - A danish talking movie. Where a weather man is doing some rap of the weather.
http://cinemassacre.com/Movies/Nes_Nerd_videos.html - The Angry video gameing nerd.
Battle at Kruger - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU8DDYz68kM - A animal that survives rather alot of stuff O.o Amazing!
Jeff Dunham - Achmed the Dead Terrorist - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uwOL4rB-go - a video Geminion did show me.. Very funny
From Kehaan.