Custom GUIs, 18.1 style

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Custom GUIs, 18.1 style

Postby Mawerick » Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:53 am

Here's a way to fix, and use custom GUI's in AO, post 18.1.

These instructions should work for any Notum DovveTech variant.

Step 1

Ensure that AO's default GUI is untouched in a folder named Default, as it is on a clean install.

Step 2

Move your custom gui to a subfolder of AO\cd_image\gui (NOT "Default". Use the skins name, like "NotumDark4")

Step 3

Edit the file MainPrefs.xml
Add the line
Code: Select all
    <Value name="GUIName" value="&quot;NotumEdge4&quot;" />

Code: Select all
    <Value name="GUISkin" value="&quot;textures\\archives_ep1\\guigfx_ep1.uvgi&quot;"/>

Replace NotumEdge4 with whatever you named the folder.

Add the lines
Code: Select all
    <Value name="ChatFilterEnabled" value="False"/>
    <Archive name="ChatFilterRules"/>

Above the last line (containing &lt;/root&gt;)

Remove the lines
Code: Select all
    <Value name="cc_left_wing"          value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_right_wing"         value="false" />
    <Value name="cc_right_bar"          value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_left_bar"           value="true" />

Step 4

Edit the file CharPrefs.xml
Add the lines
Code: Select all
    <Archive name="NanoTargetNCUWindowConfig"/>
    <Archive name="FightTargetNCUWindowConfig"/>
    <Value name="ShowNanoTargetNCU" value="false"/>
    <Value name="ShowFightTargetNCU" value="false"/>

    <!-- Notum options -->
    <Value name="cc_menu1"             value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_menu"        value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_perkwindow"  value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_inventory"   value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_skillwindow" value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_faction"     value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_perkmenu"    value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_shortcut_numbers"  value="false" />

Above the last line (containing </root>)

Search for cc_rollup_panel and append the lines:
Code: Select all
    <Value name="cc_left_wing" value="true"/>
    <Value name="cc_right_wing" value="true"/>

    <Value name="cc_left_bar" value="true"/>
    <Value name="cc_right_bar" value="true"/>

    <Value name="cc_left_target_control" value="true"/>
    <Value name="cc_right_target_control" value="true"/>
    <Value name="cc_left_menu" value="true"/>
    <Value name="cc_right_menu" value="true"/>

Step 5

Edit the file LoginPrefs.xml
Remove the lines:
Code: Select all
    <!-- Notum options -->
    <Value name="cc_menu1"             value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_menu"        value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_perkwindow"  value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_inventory"   value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_skillwindow" value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_faction"     value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_perkmenu"    value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_shortcut_numbers"  value="false" />

Step 6

Edit the file OptionPanel\Root.xml
Change the first line from
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" ?><Root>

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" ?><root>

and the last line from
Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Search for #IconTimerText and append the following lines:
Code: Select all
                <OptionCheckBox label="Show Nano Target NCU" opt_variable="ShowNanoTargetNCU" opt_type="variant" opt_category="Char"/>
                <OptionCheckBox label="Show Fight Target NCU" opt_variable="ShowFightTargetNCU" opt_type="variant" opt_category="Char"/>

Step 7

To use the custom GUI, do the following (in-game)
type in this in chat: (with the quotes)
Code: Select all
/setoption GUIName "NotumEdge4"

As in step 3, replace NotumEdge4 with the name of the folder with your custom GUI.

Then, either relog, or make AO reload GUI xml:

Press Shift+Ctrl+F7
A window will pop up with 2 tabs on top.
In the left-most tab, there's a single button labeled "Reload Menu"
Click that.
You should now have a working custom GUI :)
Last edited by Mawerick on Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:32 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Custom GUIs, 18.1 style

Postby Misssy » Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:12 pm

That's way too many steps & complicated !!
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Re: Custom GUIs, 18.1 style

Postby Mawerick » Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:21 pm

Well, that's what it takes!

But I guess you guys are too gimp to follow a few simple steps... :-''

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Re: Custom GUIs, 18.1 style

Postby Psymonator » Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:06 pm

/lost ><

but nice one posting it though ^^
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Re: Custom GUIs, 18.1 style

Postby ugsquish » Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:54 pm

All of the gui is working except I still can't see my menu's. :( What could I have misssed?
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Re: Custom GUIs, 18.1 style

Postby Mawerick » Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:08 am

Seen some reports of those elsewhere too...
Don't use menus myself so I'll have to look into this later when I get home from work.
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Re: Custom GUIs, 18.1 style

Postby Mawerick » Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:54 am

First post edited with info on how to get menus working.
It's basically moving the Notum Options lines from LoginPrefs.xml to CharPrefs.xml
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Re: Custom GUIs, 18.1 style

Postby Crazy » Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:21 am

My menu doesn't work after I followed your instructions..

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" ?><root>
    <!-- GUI -->
    <Value name="ShowHelpButtonWindow" value="true"/>
    <Value max="1.0" min="0.0" name="CCFadeHigh" value="0.85"/>
    <Value max="1.0" min="0.0" name="CCFadeLow" value="0.33"/>
    <Value max="10.0" min="0.0" name="CCFadeDelay" value="2.0"/>
    <Value name="ChatShowOGrpInInputBar" value="true"/>
    <Value name="ChatShowOGrpInTitleBar" value="true"/>
    <Value max="30.0" min="0.1" name="ChatTextFadeDelay" value="8.0"/>
    <Value max="15.0" min="0.0" name="ChatTextFadeTime" value="0.3"/>
    <Value name="ShortcutNewNanos" value="true"/>
    <Value name="OpenNanoWindow"   value="true"/>
    <Value name="IsTipEnabled"     value="true"/>
    <Value name="ItemDescriptionTooltips" value="true"/>
    <Value name="ShortcutShortTooltips" value="true"/>

    <!-- Control -->
    <Value name="MouseButtonHoldDelay" value="0.3" max="2.0" min="0.1"/>
    <Value name="UseNewMouseFunc"      value="true"/>
    <Value name="MouseWheel"           value="0"/>
    <Value name="LMBMouseLook"         value="true"/>
    <Value name="RMBMouseLook1st"         value="true"/>
    <Value name="RMBMouseLook3rd"         value="true"/>
    <Value name="ZoomTo1stPerson"         value="true"/>
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    <Value max="40" min="1" name="ZoomSpeed" value="20"/>
    <Value name="DoubleclickAction" value="true"/>
    <Value name="BoundingBoxTargeting" value="true"/>

    <!-- Audio settings -->
    <Value max="1.0" min="0.0" name="MasterVolume" value="1.0"/>
    <Value name="SoundFXOn" value="true"/>
    <Value max="1.0" min="0.0" name="FXVolume" value="1.0"/>
    <Value name="MusicOn" value="true"/>
    <Value max="1.0" min="0.0" name="MusicVolume" value="1.0"/>
    <Value max="3" min="0" name="BattlemusicMode" value="3"/>
    <Value name="VoiceSndFxOn" value="true"/>
    <Value max="1.0" min="0.0" name="VoiceSndFxVolume" value="1.0"/>
    <Value name="VoiceSndFxHearVicinityOn" value="false"/>
    <Value name="VoiceSndFxHearTeamOn" value="true"/>
    <Value name="VoiceSndFxHearGuildOn" value="false"/>
    <Value name="VoiceSndFxHearFriendsOn" value="false"/>

    <!-- Visual -->
    <Value name="ShowMyCharacter"  value="false"/>
    <Value name="Advertisements"   value="false"/>
    <Value name="VideoAdds"        value="true"/>
    <Value name="DisplayCharViewDistance" value="80" max="80" min="5"/>
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    <!-- Window keyboard control -->
    <Value name="esc_backpacks" value="true"/>
    <Value name="esc_dialogs" value="true"/>
    <Value name="esc_chatconfig" value="true"/>
    <Value name="esc_cityterminal" value="true"/>
    <Value name="esc_infoview" value="true"/>
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    <Value name="esc_chests" value="true"/>
    <Value name="esc_corpses" value="true"/>
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    <Value name="esc_tradeskill" value="true"/>
    <Value name="esc_shops" value="true"/>
    <Value name="esc_trades" value="true"/>
    <Value name="esc_npcchat" value="false"/>
    <Value name="esc_optionpanel" value="true"/>
    <Value name="esc_perkwindow" value="true"/>
    <Value name="esc_shopsearch" value="true"/>
    <Value name="esc_tips" value="true"/>
    <Value name="esc_towerbuildmenu" value="true"/>
    <Value name="AutoAFK" value="true"/>
    <Value name="AutoRejectDuel" value="false"/>

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" ?><Root>
    <Value name="AutoCloseWindows" value="false"/>
    <Value name="camera_menu" value="false"/>
    <Value name="camera_mode" value="CAMERA_3RD_LOCK"/>
    <Value name="chat_group_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="chat_system_active" value="true"/>
    <Value name="control_center_active" value="true"/>
    <Value name="command_menu" value="false"/>
    <Value name="faction_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="friends_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="inventory_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="knowledge_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="map_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="mission_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="nano_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="ncu_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="perk_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="pet_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="planetmap_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="specialaction_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="stat_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="team_view" value="false"/>
    <Value name="wear_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="tradeskill_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="shortcutbar_window" value="true"/>
    <Value name="lft_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="mechselect_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="lasertarget_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="signupterminal_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="research_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="battlestation_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="skill_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="teleport_target_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="NumHotbars" max="10" min="1" value="1"/>
    <Archive name="CCHealthBarConfig"/>
    <Archive name="CCNanoBarConfig"/>
    <Archive name="CCXPBarConfig"/>
    <Archive name="CCAlienXPBarConfig"/>
    <Archive name="CCFriendlyHealthBarConfig"/>
    <Archive name="CCHostileHealthBarConfig"/>

    <Value name="CurrentTipOfTheDay" value="-1"/>
    <Value max="1.0" min="0.0" name="cc_rollup_controller_fade_level" value="0.0"/>

    <Value name="cc_control_center" value="true"/>
    <Value name="cc_section1" value="true"/>
    <Value name="cc_compass" value="true"/>

    <Value name="cc_health_bar" value="true"/>
    <Value name="cc_nano_bar" value="true"/>
    <Value name="cc_xp_bar" value="true"/>
    <Value name="cc_alienxp_bar" value="true"/>

    <Value name="cc_friendly_health_bar" value="true"/>
    <Value name="cc_hostile_health_bar" value="true"/>

    <Value name="cc_mini_toolbar" value="false"/>
    <Value name="cc_rollup_panel" value="true"/>

    <Value name="cc_left_wing" value="true"/>
    <Value name="cc_right_wing" value="true"/>

    <Value name="cc_left_bar" value="true"/>
    <Value name="cc_right_bar" value="true"/>

    <Value name="cc_left_target_control" value="true"/>
    <Value name="cc_right_target_control" value="true"/>
    <Value name="cc_left_menu" value="true"/>
    <Value name="cc_right_menu" value="true"/>
    <Value name="ChatLastActiveWindow" value="&quot;&quot;"/>
    <Value name="ChatPGInviteAction" value="1"/>
    <Value name="ChatTextShadowOffset" value="1"/>
    <Value name="ChatWarnWhenSpeakingToUnsubGroups" value="true"/>

    <Value max="3" min="0" name="VoiceSndFxType" value="0"/>

    <Archive name="ChatGroupWindowConfig"/>
    <Archive name="CityTerminalBuyDlgConfig"/>
    <Archive name="CityTerminalWindowConfig"/>
    <Archive name="CompassWindowConfig"/>
    <Archive name="FactionWindowConfig"/>
    <Archive name="FriendsWindowConfig"/>
    <Archive name="HelpButtonWindowConfig"/>
    <Archive name="InfoViewConfig"/>
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    <Archive name="MissionSelectionViewConfig"/>
    <Archive name="MissionViewConfig"/>
    <Archive name="NCUWindowConfig"/>
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    <Archive name="MutedChatGroups"/>
    <Archive name="NanoViewConfig"/>
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    <Archive name="PerkWindowConfig"/>
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    <Archive name="PFMapWindowConfig"/>
    <Archive name="PlayerShopAdminViewConfig"/>
    <Archive name="PlayerShopOwnerViewConfig"/>
    <Archive name="PlayerShopViewConfig"/>
    <Archive name="ShopSearchWindowConfig"/>
    <Archive name="ShopViewConfig"/>
    <Archive name="StatViewConfig"/>
    <Archive name="StatWindowConfig"/>
    <Archive name="TeamViewConfig"/>
    <Archive name="TipViewConfig"/>
    <Archive name="TowerBuildMenuViewConfig"/>
    <Archive name="TradeSkillViewConfig"/>
    <Archive name="TradeViewConfig"/>
    <Archive name="TweakPanelConfig"/>
    <Archive name="WearViewConfig"/>
    <Archive name="InspectViewConfig"/>
    <Archive name="LFTWindowConfig"/>
    <Archive name="MechSelectConfig"/>
    <Archive name="LaserTargetConfig"/>
    <Archive name="SignupTerminalConfig"/>
    <Archive name="ResearchConfig"/>
    <Archive name="BattlestationConfig"/>
    <Archive name="SkillConfig"/>
    <Archive name="PlanetMapViewConfig"/>
    <Archive name="TeleportTargetConfig"/>

    <Archive name="ShopLocation">
        <Value name="Playfield"/>
        <Value name="Position"/>
        <Value name="Owner"/>
    <Value name="VisualFlags" value="31"/>
    <Value name="LockHotbars" value="false"/>
    <Value name="VisiblePVPTitle" value="0"/>
    <Value name="DisableInspect" value="false"/>
    <Archive name="RaidBarConfig"/>
    <Archive name="RaidConfig"/>
    <Value name="raid_window" value="false"/>
    <Value name="LockRaidBars" value="false"/>   
    <Value name="IconTimers" value="true"/>
    <Value name="IconTimerText" value="true"/>

    <Archive name="TargetNCUWindowConfig"/>
    <Archive name="HostileTargetNCUWindowConfig"/>
    <Value name="ShowTargetNCU" value="false"/>
    <Value name="ShowHostileTargetNCU" value="false"/>

<!-- Added Part -->
    <!-- Notum options -->
    <Value name="cc_menu1"             value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_menu"        value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_perkwindow"  value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_inventory"   value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_skillwindow" value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_faction"     value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_notum_perkmenu"    value="true" />
    <Value name="cc_shortcut_numbers"  value="false" />

Can you tell me where I gimped it up?
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Re: Custom GUIs, 18.1 style

Postby ugsquish » Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:14 am

works perfect now, thanks. I had to manually reload menus w/ the ctrl+shift+f7. try that. you may not have messed up :)
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Re: Custom GUIs, 18.1 style

Postby Supportmeta » Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:28 am

Since the recent patch, and rollback, I can't get my default GUI to stay stable...... it keeps fragmenting, and artifacting..... so I might have to try a custom GUI, and this will help me a lot... thanks gimp... I mean Mawe :)
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