Coming soon, the updated Fixer guide :)

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Coming soon, the updated Fixer guide :)

Postby Jasper2002 » Thu Sep 02, 2010 3:16 pm

This guide is going to be an update from this and is based on Tron04 and what was done, what steps in twinking etc to get a good S10 fixer setup.

That setup can be found here

The guide will follow this weekend and will include perk setups and twinking essentials

Happy evading all

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Re: Coming soon, the updated Fixer guide :)

Postby Misssy » Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:54 pm

Just an observation Jasper

Why are you not using ql200 Morphing Memory; Ql300 Infused viral compiler and Growing support (brain, ear symbs) ?
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Re: Coming soon, the updated Fixer guide :)

Postby Jasper2002 » Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:10 pm

With regards to the morphing memory I stopped raising Psychic skill around level 130ish as I needed the IP elsewhere, the ear, really couldn't be too bothered to farm the bits for and the growing brain is artillery only, enduring is the highest support brain for that level.

If anyone want to know why I aren't using the syndicate brain for the extra AR it gives, it also comes at a cost, -96 NR which is very useful in S10

The ql 300 infused VC, simple, didn't raise comp lit enough to get it in.

This is partly due to me losing a little focus on S10 only and wanting to also do well in the BS so I can get all the VP's I need for 220, without having to worry about it later on. So I put IP into being able to cast the Trader nemesis nano, the top roots and snares, basically the best I can do for my level. The only thing stopping me from casting many nano's is the level locks on them, so I know I won't be gimped when I leave S10 and start levelling beyond that, although with the new BS range putting level 150 toons at the top of the range, farming kills will be so much easier than killing level 174 soldiers, traders, keepers and shades.
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