I have a confession. Red bull and vodka is not good company when raiding. Or rather it is not a good company when you drink many of them in a short time. I have personal experience about this . You think you are doing great but I can tell you honestly that you should be happy if you even do anything right at all in the end. They day after you have problems to remember who was online in the raid, and what happend? Did I get any phatz? Well, for me I got some nice things I must say. Not sure how much it costed me but hey I have the items! Even though I never managed to do the whole s28 because of some strange seismologic activity or so. Had problems with my balance and was dizzy. Must have been a minor earthquake OR the red bull. It can not be the vodkas fault at least. That is impossible. I think someone said or wrote that I should have skipped the red bull and I agree with them ;P.
So do you have any nice stories about merging alcohol and raiding??? Please let me/us know .
On a side note. NEVER join Ventrilo while doing it either! Just for your personal safety .