Standing outside formans door thinking if Tim is down there. Looking around to see if any of my friends are here. There they are! together we could get him that?s a fact. My boss and one of my brothers is already down there. Heard over the guilds intercom that, there is more people of rubika down there, people of RubiKa hmm don?t really know if I can call them that. After what they did to my family back in the past, letting them die in there instable mines, low salary, bad equipt. Sens that time if I look in the family history books we have always been clans, but worker clans. I was lucky that this organisation found me when I was running from that Rhino into the notum mining in newland desert. Now I have time the friends and the right recourses to pay back, and free the Rubi-Ka and establish a democratic planet. Yea there is OMNI down there but Im not worried we are strong they won?t stand a chance against the mighty powers of RKFF. Don?t have much time, need to run down there. now I see them 3 OMNI 3 big OMNI. In my haste I forget to give my friends speed that?s one of the thing I can do for my friends so they can outrun the enemy. Hear over intercom, that my friend and brother have some problems with the really stupid Formans employee that attacks one big really really big atrox, maybe not a big problem more irritating. I think if u can?t outrun them just kill them. Aaa there the atrox is hes beam its all blody don?t mention hes armour, damn now I know that I have to do a lot of laundry when we are back. Aaa there is T.I.M. a full auto goes off, a nice brawl a swip swop from a great Robot, a few sec later Tim is dead. He didn?t have a chance, once more the power of RKFF has shown there strength. I can see the omni getting smaller smaller I can smell there scariness, I can see how they just want to disappear. Looting Tim, and yes there it is the scope the hud upgrade. now its mine, min only, my pressures one.
And all thanks to the help of my friends. When we are together nothing can stop oss. Now I know that?s a fact.