Common clusters

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Common clusters

Postby Clanstar » Tue Oct 21, 2003 1:52 pm

Ok, nothing speciell really just clusters... but we all been there... running around like crazy looking for that one or two missing... and a full set of new imps... that costs... so maybe you can find anything you are in need of and at the same time save a few creds...

QL 145 1h Blunt Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 195 1h Blunt Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 124 1h Edged Weapon Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist)
QL 160 1h Edged Weapon Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 163 1h Edged Weapon Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 187 1h Edged Weapon Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 200 1h Edged Weapon Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 181 2h Blunt Cluster - Bright (Left-Arm)
QL 157 2h Blunt Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 176 2h Blunt Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 143 2h Edged Cluster - Bright (Left-Arm)
QL 157 A Faded NanoCluster of Nano Regeneration
QL 181 A Faded NanoCluster of Nano Regeneration
QL 200 A Faded NanoCluster of Nano Regeneration
QL 152 Adventuring Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 189 Adventuring Cluster - Shiny (Leg)
QL 112 Agility Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 149 Agility Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 161 Agility Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 166 Agility Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 198 Aimed Shot Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist)
QL 136 Aimed Shot Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 200 Aimed Shot Cluster - Shiny (Eye)
QL 153 Assault Rif Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 152 Assault Rif Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 160 Assault Rif Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 164 Bio.Metamor Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Bio.Metamor Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 200 Body Dev Cluster - Faded (Leg)
QL 173 Bow Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 174 Bow Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 202 Bow Refined Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 200 Bow Spc Att Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 178 Brawling Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Break & Entry Cluster - Bright (Left-Arm)
QL 161 Burst Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 162 Burst Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 188 Burst Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 145 Burst Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 157 Burst Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 158 Chemical AC Cluster - Faded (Left-Arm)
QL 172 Chemical AC Cluster - Faded (Left-Arm)
QL 200 Chemical AC Cluster - Faded (Left-Arm)
QL 200 Chemical AC Cluster - Shiny (Waist)
QL 132 Chemistry Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 213 Chemistry Refined Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 197 Cold AC Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 200 Cold AC Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 154 Cold AC Cluster - Faded (Left-Hand)
QL 174 Cold AC Cluster - Shiny (Waist)
QL 200 Cold AC Cluster - Shiny (Waist)
QL 200 Cold AC Cluster - Shiny (Waist)
QL 112 Comp. Liter Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 124 Comp. Liter Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 189 Comp. Liter Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 124 Comp. Liter Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 139 Comp. Liter Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 195 Comp. Liter Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 200 Comp. Liter Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 163 Concealment Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 200 Concealment Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 149 Dimach Cluster - Bright (Head)
QL 180 Dimach Cluster - Bright (Head)
QL 114 Dimach Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 195 Dimach Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Dimach Cluster - Shiny (Chest)
QL 140 Disease AC Cluster - Bright (Leg)
QL 157 Disease AC Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 170 Disease AC Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 164 Dodge-Rng Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 127 Dodge-Rng Cluster - Shiny (Leg)
QL 200 Duck-Exp Cluster - Bright (Waist)
QL 176 Elec. Engi Cluster - Bright (Head)
QL 165 Elec. Engi Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 195 Elec. Engi Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 114 Energy AC Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 114 Energy AC Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 136 Energy AC Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 169 Energy AC Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 172 Energy AC Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 177 Energy AC Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 186 Energy AC Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Energy AC Cluster - Shiny (Chest)
QL 120 Evade-ClsC Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 176 Evade-ClsC Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 194 Evade-ClsC Cluster - Shiny (Feet)
QL 200 Evade-ClsC Cluster - Shiny (Feet)
QL 200 Evade-ClsC Cluster - Shiny (Feet)
QL 154 Fast Attack Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 136 Fast Attack Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 147 Fast Attack Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 174 Fire AC Cluster - Bright (Left-Hand)
QL 149 Fire AC Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 188 Fire AC Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 173 First Aid Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 174 First Aid Cluster - Faded (Left-Hand)
QL 174 First Aid Cluster - Faded (Left-Hand)
QL 198 First Aid Cluster - Faded (Left-Hand)
QL 189 First Aid Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 194 First Aid Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 153 Fling Shot Cluster - Faded (Right-Wrist)
QL 200 Fling Shot Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 162 Full Auto Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist)
QL 200 Full Auto Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist)
QL 188 Full Auto Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Full Auto Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Full Auto Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Full Auto Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 188 Full Auto Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 196 Full Auto Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 200 Grenade Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 148 Heavy Weapons Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 200 Heavy Weapons Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 173 Heavy Weapons Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 148 Heavy Weapons Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 200 Imp/Proj AC Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 144 Intelligence Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 175 Intelligence Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 194 Intelligence Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 197 Intelligence Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 197 Intelligence Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 152 Intelligence Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 166 Intelligence Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 181 Intelligence Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 148 Map Navig Cluster - Bright (Head)
QL 133 Martial Arts Cluster - Faded (Left-Hand)
QL 180 Martial Arts Cluster - Faded (Left-Hand)
QL 164 Matt.Metam Cluster - Faded (Left-Arm)
QL 191 Max Nano Cluster - Bright (Waist)
QL 110 Max Nano Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 160 Max Nano Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 164 Max Nano Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 200 Max Nano Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 190 Mech. Engi Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 200 Mech. Engi Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 155 Mech. Engi Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 181 Melee Ener Cluster - Bright (Left-Wrist)
QL 151 Melee Ener Cluster - Faded (Right-Wrist)
QL 182 Melee Ener Cluster - Faded (Right-Wrist)
QL 183 Melee. Init Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 111 Melee. Init Cluster - Shiny (Feet)
QL 192 Melee/Ma AC Cluster - Bright (Waist)
QL 129 Melee/Ma AC Cluster - Faded (Leg)
QL 200 Melee/Ma AC Cluster - Faded (Leg)
QL 109 Multi Ranged Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 119 Multi Ranged Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 200 Multi Ranged Cluster - Shiny (Left-Wrist)
QL 140 Nano Pool Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 151 Nano Pool Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 165 Nano Pool Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Nano Progra Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 120 Nano Progra Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 200 Nano Progra Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 140 NanoC. Init Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 200 NanoC. Init Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 176 NanoC. Init Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 200 NanoC. Init Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 139 Parry Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 200 Parry Cluster - Shiny (Right-Wrist)
QL 135 Pharma Tech Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 175 Pharma Tech Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 200 Pharma Tech Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 200 Physic. Init Cluster - Bright (Right-Arm)
QL 200 Physic. Init Cluster - Shiny (Feet)
QL 171 Piercing Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 176 Piercing Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 163 Pistol Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 200 Pistol Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 200 Pistol Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 147 Psychic Cluster - Bright (Chest)
QL 141 Psychic Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 200 Psychic Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 200 Psychic Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 176 Psychology Cluster - Bright (Ear)
QL 141 Psychology Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 165 Psychology Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 200 Psychology Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 200 Psychology Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 156 Quantum FT Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 135 Quantum FT Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 135 Quantum FT Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 175 Quantum FT Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 186 Quantum FT Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 200 Quantum FT Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 187 Radiation AC Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 158 Radiation AC Cluster - Shiny (Waist)
QL 200 Radiation AC Cluster - Shiny (Waist)
QL 164 Ranged Ener Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 128 Ranged Ener Cluster - Faded (Left-Hand)
QL 164 Ranged Ener Cluster - Faded (Left-Hand)
QL 199 Ranged Ener Cluster - Faded (Left-Hand)
QL 142 Ranged Ener Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 200 Ranged. Init Cluster - Bright (Head)
QL 156 Ranged. Init Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 162 Ranged. Init Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 179 Ranged. Init Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 159 Rifle Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist)
QL 165 Rifle Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist)
QL 139 Riposte Cluster - Bright (Left-Wrist)
QL 157 Riposte Cluster - Bright (Left-Wrist)
QL 190 Riposte Cluster - Bright (Left-Wrist)
QL 104 Riposte Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 182 Riposte Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 182 Riposte Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 200 Riposte Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 200 Run Speed Cluster - Faded (Leg)
QL 181 Sense Cluster - Bright (Waist)
QL 123 Sensory Impr Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 120 Sensory Impr Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 200 Sensory Impr Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 120 Sharp Obj Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 193 Sharp Obj Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 200 Sharp Obj Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 200 Sharp Obj Cluster - Shiny (Right-Wrist)
QL 116 Shotgun Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 139 Shotgun Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 200 Shotgun Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 180 Shotgun Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Shotgun Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 139 Sneak Atck Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 164 Sneak Atck Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 164 Sneak Atck Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 167 Sneak Atck Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 200 Sneak Atck Cluster - Shiny (Feet)
QL 152 Stamina Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 190 Stamina Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 143 Strength Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 188 Swimming Cluster - Bright (Right-Arm)
QL 186 Swimming Cluster - Faded (Left-Arm)
QL 196 Swimming Cluster - Faded (Left-Arm)
QL 184 Time & Space Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 200 Trap Disarm Cluster - Bright (Left-Hand)
QL 200 Trap Disarm Cluster - Faded (Head)
QL 200 Trap Disarm Cluster - Shiny (Right-Hand)
QL 157 Treatment Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 195 Treatment Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 104 Treatment Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 175 Treatment Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 208 Tutoring Refined Cluster - Shiny (Eye)
QL 143 Vehicle Air Cluster - Faded (Head)
QL 166 Vehicle Air Cluster - Faded (Head)
QL 182 Vehicle Air Cluster - Shiny (Eye)
QL 178 Vehicle Grnd Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 158 Vehicle Hydr Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 186 Weapon Smt Cluster - Bright (Head)
QL 163 Weapon Smt Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 200 Weapon Smt Cluster - Faded (Eye)

Clan & Co.
Posts: 69
Joined: Thu Apr 10, 2003 5:21 am

Postby Hyperion » Mon Oct 27, 2003 1:51 pm

VERY impressive list, Clan!

If you want to gain some storage space, remember that the faded clusters are almost free...

Look forward to see you again :)

Posts: 36
Joined: Tue Jan 28, 2003 10:45 am
Location: Denmark

Postby Clanstar » Wed Oct 29, 2003 2:00 am

I have this lil alt I never play... the clusters are on him... so the storage is good. ;) I havent even touched the bank yet. But the faded ones... your so right... they dont cost much... they are heading out the door as soon as I need more space.

Clan & Co.
Posts: 69
Joined: Thu Apr 10, 2003 5:21 am

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