
Haven to discuss other worlds than that of Rubi-Ka & Hyboria.


Postby Selavi » Tue Dec 16, 2003 10:59 pm

As I am starting to get a lill tired of AO both as a concept and the SL completly missing its target for me, I thought I try out another game to see what else was out there in the big wide world of MMORPG. Both to try something new, and perhaps to get some percpective. I saw an advertisment for Horizons on AO-stratics of all places and was immediatly drawn towards it (being a fantasy fan rather than a Sci-fi one).

The game-
I started out as Scout with the potential of becoming and Outfitter. Scout for the purposes of combat and exploring, and Outfitter for tradeskilling.
Outfitters specialize on gathering resources and making armour. Armour I can use myself, sell to other players or give to friends. That part looks good so far.

Very much the same principle as AO. You target mob and start attack. You then proceed with specials or spells/buffs if you have them. teams can be made with up to 8 people I think.

Suprise!! You gain levels by doing stuff!! Hehe. If you wanna be a better tradeskiller, you tradeskill. This would mean that people who couldnt care less about battles, could just prosper bu doing tradeskills and possibly start their own business in some town.
You also gain experience points from killing mobs. The best way to gain levels for an Andventurer (fighter/Scout/Cleric/Mage).

Graphic and misc-
To me it seems that the graphic isnt worse or better than AO, just different somehow, without being able to say just what it is. I dont feel as gloom as when I play AO, but then again, things seem to go a little slower. Not sure if that is intended or if I should upgrade my PC.

These are some of my first impressions. There are just so much to look into atm, that I am having a hard time getting the grasp of what I wanna persue or what to do.

As for servers. For now there isnt possible to log onto servers outside your region. That means there are separete servers for Euro and US folks. That will change in the future however, wich I hope will be very soon. There are people over there I am supposed to do my pioneer days together with. :D [/i]
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Postby Legrandchef » Tue Dec 16, 2003 11:32 pm

Thanks, Sel. I did see a message on one site (cannot remember which) that for a few more Euros per month it would be possible to enter American servers as well as European ones.
I shall be joining you for a trial run in Horizons at some time in the near future.

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Postby Flameforge » Tue Dec 16, 2003 11:47 pm

Thanks for the report :) Sounds like you're going okay with it so far.

Is Horizons out of beta?

I'd be interested how you feel the creators handle support and such, and if there's a long-lasting challenge for everyone. Kept hearing you could max our your SWG character in a week or two...
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Postby Selavi » Wed Dec 17, 2003 12:17 am

As for support and such. I have been playing it for 2 days, so have not gotten any feel yet for how they work around problems like petitions and that sort of things (if that is what you meant).

Maxing out charachters. Again I have no clue how long it will take to max out a charachter here. All I know is that you can change your proffession down the line and persure other branches. The 4 profs I mentioned in my initial post are the basic ones. There are Ranger and Paladin profs to be trained later on (to mention a few). Same goes for tradeskills. You can specialize later on. Becoming master swordsmith or something like that I wager.

The game is out of Beta and gone gold. I preordered the game so I would have it once it whent gold, received it a few days later than that, but no biggy. Like most new MMORPG there are still some work left to be done here I reckon, although I am so new at this I dont even know what could be a bug or what is working as intended.

There was one merchant selling augmentations I could add in the tradeskills process to make my items better, but he wouldnt accept the coins I gave him. Not sure if I was doing something wrong, or if that particular guy was bugged. He asked me for 15 copper coins, wich I gave him. He then proceeded to tell me that it wasnt enough, and I was unable to increase the amount because the game automatically withdraws the cash things costs (much like in AO).Could have petitioned to see what response was in accordance to your question there Flame, but it was late and I was looking for an escuse to log off realy, guess that was as good as reason as any. Just finnished a quest at that point.
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Postby Auropia » Wed Dec 17, 2003 12:23 am

Its a great game,i was a outfitter and a cleric in the beta:) :)

reallly nice landscape and great possiblities for your char,no matter what direction you take it.

AIL has a guild in Horizons atm,feel free to look em up:)

http://www.ancarim.com also have a horizons forums,if ya wanna go in and say HI to the rest of AO peeps that's in there...a lot of AIL'rs play now :D
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Postby Selavi » Wed Dec 17, 2003 12:34 am

Yeah. I saw the AIL guild running around on the wind server. I havent decided yet what server I am to play on as I am to play with some old AO friends as soon as I can get onto the US server, or they can get access to the euroservers. But thanks for the tips Auro. I started my new guy on the ICE server tho as I read that the wind server is full of germans and frenchies. :twisted: But if I take out my first toon for some rock'n roll, I just might seek them up, because at lenght, your got to be in some guild :D
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Postby Auropia » Wed Dec 17, 2003 12:39 am

Yup:D a lot of Ail'rs in there..most on the Euro server...maybe? dont remember..i have no idea since the launch...but the forums should fill you in on where they are...those sneaky bastards hihiih :mrgreen:
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Postby Selavi » Wed Dec 17, 2003 9:55 pm

Thought I post a link to where the "official" forums for horizons where. That way if it is interesting, you can check it out and get a more insight on what goes on.
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Postby Selavi » Thu Dec 18, 2003 11:06 pm

For those that knows him, Sware is back! He is gonna join us in the AIL guild on the wind server :D We started to build our guild house yesterday, cant wait until I can bind myself to the town and go see it.
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Postby Smacdevil » Thu Dec 18, 2003 11:23 pm

I remember Sware from the old times in Lions Den - tell him hi from Smac when you see him, would you? :)
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Postby Jpegg » Fri Dec 19, 2003 12:34 am

Yeah... Sware, Whitedread and Deinarra are on AIL forums now and again so get to see them there :))
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Postby Auropia » Fri Dec 19, 2003 12:38 am

thought he was just on SWG..he moved on to Horizons aswell?
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Postby Selavi » Fri Dec 19, 2003 12:42 am

That was what I heard aswell Auro. But he apparantly is coming to Horizons. If he intend on keep playing SWG I have no knowledge of. Must admit I didnt/dont know him all that well, more by reputation and what I have heard from others.
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Postby Auropia » Fri Dec 19, 2003 12:53 am

cool..i might get my arse to get that Horizons too..have to see the development of AO,before i make my final decision;)
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Postby Jpegg » Fri Dec 19, 2003 1:13 am

no no no no no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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