Party 6/29/02 6pm-9pm PST Reets Retreat

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Party 6/29/02 6pm-9pm PST Reets Retreat

Postby Zepto » Mon Jun 17, 2002 5:34 am

Party 6/29/02 6pm-9pm PST Reets Retreat
title says it all.... almost

There will be a joke contest duringthe middle hour also we will have a fantastic DJ Elektrica the leader of the solar sound productions. 200,000+ credits to the winner of the joke contest. if there is a split decision then the reward will be split as well

i want to screen the jokers so id like to have two more volunteers to help screen; ill be screening. the winner will be based on a shout level of listeners

i will post the party news on the AO calender. the last hour will be a congrats on OOK lead to Zepto with dancin' and drinkin'

the first hour will be a welcome to other guilds who want to build an alliance with us for teaming; knowledge or political strength

i will word this better on the posting. casual wear is recomended but i know how a lot of ya are twink'd into yer armor so its not a requirement. try to make yer jokes a minute or less and pre scripted to save time; i'd like to get atleast forty contestants or atleast that much room. the screening may not work out but we will call on the performers like the way we do meetings except without the 'done'

i hope everone can attend
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Postby Felicity » Mon Jun 17, 2002 6:27 am

Nice! Sounds like a great event!
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Postby Cogs » Mon Jun 17, 2002 9:17 am

Great! I'll do my best to be there also, sounds like a ball! :P

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Postby Zepto » Mon Jun 17, 2002 10:07 am

This will be a grand opertunity for our members to mingle and get to know each other. We all may find new names for our friends list to group with.

Also, there has been much talk on our forums about the prise money. Many kind members have donated to up the prize and it now stands at 1M instead of the orginal anounced 200K. Just FYI so you can start making up your jokes.
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Postby Hejiro » Mon Jun 17, 2002 2:18 pm

Looking forward to it, Zepto.

Just for us "Aussie weirdos", what is PST? Pacific Standard Time? I'll keep an eye-out on the AO Calender, as that has a nice timezone converter.
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Postby Zepto » Tue Jun 18, 2002 5:16 am

Yep, Pacific Standard Time.

18:00:00 Sat Jun 29 2002 in PST8PDT converts to
01:00:00 Sun Jun 30 2002 in GMT

DST* is in effect on this date/time in PST8PDT
DST* is not in effect on this date/time in GMT
*Daylight Saving Time
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Postby DocCroc » Tue Jun 18, 2002 9:15 am

Sounds cool! :D

I will be there if I can get AO to work in time!
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Postby Cogs » Tue Jun 18, 2002 9:43 am

Umph, that means it wont start till 3am here, so that rules me out Im afraid. When wil they ever implement Universal Standard Time?? :o

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Postby Felicity » Tue Jun 18, 2002 11:57 am

Ouch 3 am isn't my kind of time either.. :(
But I guess you have lots of US residents in OOK Zepto, if so I understand your choise of time.
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Postby Zepto » Wed Jun 19, 2002 4:38 am

I think like 2% of our people are outside of North America. It was difficult to find a time that worked for the DJ and all members and sister guilds. This was the best we could come up with. Will anyone from RKFF be able to attend? I can call into your work for you and tell them how ill you all are. :wink:
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Postby Cogs » Wed Jun 19, 2002 10:18 am

A devious plan, Zepto, but I dont think my superiors will buy that! But, points for style :D

Have a good one folks 8)

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Postby Felicity » Wed Jun 19, 2002 11:02 am

It would be interesting to see my boss' face when you call him :), but I'm afraid it wouldn't help.
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Postby Zepto » Wed Jun 19, 2002 11:06 am

I knew it was a long shot but I had to try. :lol:

If there is going to be a RKFF representitive that thinks he/she can make it to the event, I would love to know about it. It would be nice to make a shared public statement about our guilds and the support we offer each other in our new sister guild araingment. Just kinda brainstorming now.
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Postby Hejiro » Wed Jun 19, 2002 2:37 pm

If my calculations are correct, the party is around 11AM Sunday for me so I plan to attend!

Looking forward to it too. Will be great to meet members of OOK as well as from other 'friendly' guilds.

I also have an idea for a joke, but am still trying to find the time and energy to develop it :) Actually, it's something Techomo would perform... so if I work it out he'll be showing up, otherwise I will, heh.
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Postby Hejiro » Wed Jun 19, 2002 6:50 pm

Well fancy that! I was working away (yes, I was working, hehe) and found the joke I was planning to do already done for me. It is different, and still needs some work, but would be great.

Zepto, I hope the jokes don't need to be original.
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