Dont wanna bust anyones caps here, but this has been a problem forever!
Ever since RKFF was first started, back in July 2001, getting ppl to read and keep updated on forums, attend meetings, in general showing an interest has been a major problem.
Some of the oldies from those times here will probably remember how I used to bitch about it in meetings, etc......but nothing ever helped.
I think its something one just has to face.....those in leading positions in any guild will be the ones active on forums, be the ones actively trying to attend meetings; the rest are just fillermass......taking an interest when and if it benefits the individual. There are of course some exeptions to this.
This may sound harsh, and unfair.....but years of experience tells me this is the way it is, and its gonna take some damn hard work from regular guildmembers to tell and show me otherwise.